Agile Practitioners Association of Nigeria Logo Vector

The most established and influential professional membership organization in the Agile community in Nigeria

The Agile Practitioners Association of Nigeria is the platform to get updated, involved, learn, grow and contribute to Agile in Africa

Our Vision

To Transform the World of Work

Founded in 2017, Agile Practitioners Association of Nigeria is the most established and influential professional membership and certification organization in the Agile Community in Nigeria. Our vision is to bring a transformation in the world of work using the agile mindset and approach. 


To empower and engage Individuals, Leaders and Organizations with Practices, Principles, and values that create workplaces that are joyful, prosperous, and sustainable.

We empower

We empower individuals, leaders and organizations to adopt Agile mindsets. We support their transformations with training and shared stories of change and innovation in companies around the world

We Engage

We engage the work of our certificants and members through a network of Agile peers, trainers and coaches. We develop content and learning opportunities, including webinars, global and regional events, local user groups and more

We Teach

We teach the application of Agile practices, principles, and values through our career-long certification path. Our community of coaches and trainers are focused on providing knowledge, skills, and experience that support Agile transformations for both individuals and organizations

Meet the team

Organizing Team

The APAON Organizing Team

Abiodun Osoba

Chair, APAON

Tunde Giwa - COO, The Agile Advisor Africa

Tunde Giwa

Secretary, APAON

We are a global community

Our Corporate

Proudly supported by

Our Supportive Corporate Members